Sunday, May 17, 2015

Shattered By J.L Drake


Quote: "Im sorry for what happened to you, But I'll never be sorry for tracking you down and falling in love with you"

I mean what can I say about this book but OMG! was so intense at times and totally a page turner. J.L Drake you have done it again with this addition to your series. The book picks up right were Broken left off. And now in this book, Savannah is trying to get to the bottom of all the lies surrounding her. So she tries to take matters into her own hands. I literally stayed all night getting through this book. Because there was no way I was going to sleep not finding out the truth...Right!?!?!. In book 2 Savannah questions everything and everyone. I really like the Savannah in this book, she comes out being more in control of herself and less broken. Yes!, this Savannah is wonderful.  Although I do have to say that there are some frustrating moments that Miss Savannah makes you go through... There is a lot of "Why Savannah, Why?" Sigh....... I also enjoy the dual POV from Savannah and Cole. Love getting what both are thinking in certain moments. In this book the secondary characters really shine through and we get a little more of them. Big Plus!...When you finish reading this book you are in total book Hangover. I think it even gave me Congratulation to the author J.L Drake who has given us another entertaining read. We also have "Mended" another Book addition to this series to look forward to that comes out in June 2nd, 2015 if im not mistaken. Happy Reading Kiddos!!!

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